
Showing posts with the label arms

Arms And The Man (2024/106)

Don't all fitness enthusiasts want bigger biceps? Actually, the quickest way to increase arm size is actually to work the triceps. Still: biceps it is today! Nice hair...    

Work With What You Have (2024/078)

It is no use wishing you were an endomorph if you were born an ectomorph. It is no use wishing for an eight-pack if you were born with six. So work with what you have, to improve fitness and body image. It is the change which impresses, and gives you satisfaction... and so the drive to keep up the good work in the gym, running, or whatever it is you love to do. We love training, for that satisfaction, the cameraderie, and because it is good for us. Good for all ages, actually, from very young to elderly, if carefully monitored. These guys have all been working with what they were born with, and you can see that it works. Satisfaction guaranteeed... gym addiction likely! Make it a routine!