
Showing posts with the label bunnies

Chest Exposure (2025/073)

Pectoral excellence And here's how:    

Stay in Control (2025/067)

A couple of concerning conversations recently... guys who have become so obsessed with improving themselves that they cannot avoid committing to an intense gym workout every day... this is not healthy, either mentally or physically. Yes, you should want to go to the gym - when you feel like it, but never feel that you can't miss a day. Workouts should be fun and you should be doing them because you want to - not because you HAVE to. Although we post lots of pictures here of great body images, they are just examples - don't get obsessed with wanting to be better than everyone else, OK?  As we always say - if you feel that you are a little better every  time you visit the gym, that's fine. And now, a gallery of guys who clearly do enjoy their workouts... and are keen to show off. That's not unhealthy, if they feel satisfied with their body image.  If they are never happy, there's something wrong. But then, they probably wouldn't post the pictures.