
Showing posts with the label broken glass

"Tough Stuff"

Or stuff which makes fit guys look tough! Actually, with correct training and advice, surprising things are possible. Some performers, fighters, bendy people... stuff like that. A bit of a strange post today! An excerpt from 'Ukraine's Got Talent' featuring Taras Skripkin sets us off: Toughen up the gym session a little:   And finally, to get us back in the mood for slightly more conventional training in the next post, here's a muscle-up challenge for you:

600 Up!! And So Much Fitness To Share...

Guys: thanks for being there and sharing the fitness road with us. Whether it's gym workouts, training for specific sports like gymnastics or wrestling, or just fit guys having fun, we aim to share the best fitness inspiration with you. You are also welcome to share your best pictures with us - just send as e-mail attachments to and we'll get them posted. G-rated only please. We definitely support shirtless training for guys: there is nothing worse than a sticky sweaty tee-shirt clinging to you when exercising... much prefer the air and sun (when available) on our backs! Fitness (and shirtlessness!!) is for any age and it is never too late to start. Give it a go and comment to us (or use that e-mail address) on how you do! This 600th post is a mash-up of great fitness and training inspiration and we hope you enjoy. Tell your gym buddies to join us here on the blog. We have thousands of images still to share, and of course there is the huge archive too. We