
Showing posts from July, 2021

Gymnasts (20)

The first of the weekend bonus posts this week brings you more gymnasts, starting with young Egor practising his double back dismounts from the rings...  ...and then showing off some more training skills... And then some more hard training for the shoulders (for the iron cross on rings, by the way)...

Support Your Partner!!

Image in "Training Partner". If you're more interested in "Relationships", see my other blog 2Guys2Gether . Here, today, we celebrate the encouragement, inspiration that two like-minded guys can give each other in regard to fitness and, of course, the fun they can enjoy together as well. Even when moving house, it seems... ...and at the pool! ...or the river... Here's two examples of guys taking my post title literally...   But maybe we should have started with the workout, and left the fun till after... But - enough of the gym. Let's allow the guys a bit of time off now to show off and to enjoy themselves...