Ice and Snow (2025/078)

As we shake winter off, a huge number of guys have taken to early morning ice baths to freshen up for the day. Doesn't seem all that long since the ice-bucket challenge was trending. We used to use ice baths at the end of training (and still do) to relieve muscle strain. And post-sauna too (especially if the birch twigs have been applied first!). But we also like wild swimming, so I guess that's kind of the same thing (only a tad warmer!). Shirtless and barefoot in the snow - that's another little extravagance that some guys like to explore. OK, so we're all getting cold in this post. Yes, he is just 13. We've seen it verified. And knows what he likes! The next one comes with a bit of justification: To finish, we do indeed find the sauna - and a plunge after... and a bit of fitness philosophy to go with it. Enjoy