
Showing posts with the label cardio

Ready for a Fight (feat. Lerik Fight Club) (2023/370)

Loads of videos of the amazing Azerbaijani Lerik Fight Club lads lower down... but all of our guys today are "fighting fit" and obviously love their training!   Edwin Petrea, a well-respected kickboxer and MMA performer, in training: ... a great example of someone who really loves his sport. And, after the warm-up, the main feature - the Azerbaijani lads at Lerik: Gotta admire their speed!

Do It, Grow It, Show It! (2023/362)

So here we are again, encouraging fitness. Three stages: (1) put in the effort); (2) improve muscle strength and/or size, heart and lung capacity, etc; (3) show it off! All three today 💪😏 Plenty to show off after that lot, we think! Don't overlook the huge archive of post - more than one thousand now: here's our random choice of the day to start off your exploration: CLICK HERE for some well-fit guys who seem to need a little bit of cheering up!  

Train Every Which Way - Make It Fun! (2023/312)

 So many things to try... That may not look like 'fun', but once you get used ot it - and to the dopamine 'hit', you'll see...! Not that everything goes well...  Remember that movement and cardio are just as important as lifting! And don't forget that your own body is a useful weight:   Yes, of course, you'll want to flex and show off! And don't see why rain should put you off... we said, make it fun! Looks like he's enjoying it! We should do a bit more training though...   Let's take abreak from vids and join the guys working in their gyms: OK then - a bit more showing off: ...and a bit more mucking around to finish!