
Showing posts with the label endurance

Gymnastics Training (2025/054)

 Gymnastics requires strength, flexibility, endurance and balance and is thus needs a great deal of physical training time in addition to the actual skills which are performed. 6 apparatus for the guys. Gymnastics actually means "the naked art" but we don't do it that way... and, indeed, the original Greek variety involved naked boys performing field sports like javelin and discus, and wrestling - so very different from what goes on in 21st-century gymnasiums! And that's a strange word too, because in German it means 'High Schools'! Whatever. Let's admire the work put in by modern gymnasts. Even when they are just chilling in their gyms, the excellent body image built by the sport is very obvious.    

Assorted Training (2024/252)

Training is guaranteed to make you happy! A bit of a mash-up, this one, and videos now, starting with something unusual. Climbers like Timur need strong fingertips... You have to admire the rising generation who know exactly what they want and start early to build towards achieving their goals... a few more...     Moving up to teens and older now. Triceps first: With the lads... and with a bit of an audience too... That's Harrison. More of him: We finish this slightly shorter-than-usual post with another happy young trainer - even if we can't quite work out what he was doing!  

Bonus Post: Gymnasts at Work, Rest and Play (2024/176)

A sport which opens the doors to a great physique and requires strength, flexibility and endurance. Great stuff! As this is the second post today, be sure not to miss THE FIRST ONE Should raise a smile!  

Gymnasts (2024/128)

Our favourite sport. Today we have gymnasts in various setting, with loads of video action in training situations further down in the post.  Be inspired to work on your own fitness in whichever sport YOU prefer!