
Showing posts with the label shoulders

Bonus Post - They Won't Stop... (2024/113)

Yet another second post today, so don't miss the first one on those ORDINARY GUYS who made good with a bit of body maintenance.  Trouble is - you can't stop them posting flexing videos!! By the way, the ones with no sound are because we've removed a very irritating Asian voice over which seems to afflict everything we come across on YouTube. We prefer the visuals and to think for ourselves...  

If YOU Don't Do It... (2024/100)

100th post this year!  IF YOU DON'T DO IT - SOMEONE ELSE WILL!  Let's get "stuck in" to our training, then... a mix of moving gifs, mp4s and still pictures today:

It's So Obvious... (2024/077)

It's so obvious when guys enjoy their training... almost always they will find excuses to show off their results in public (or on social media). No exceptions here - all great examples for us all. 42