
Showing posts with the label neck

The Extra Mile... 'One Step Beyond...'...

It's the determination to do that little bit more that makes so much difference to training results. That extra struggling repetition of a lift, even if it is assisted by a spotter, is the one that really counts. Here are some examples of guys going that little extra, for their love of sports training. We start with something not quite a repeat... if your home is too small to accommodate a gym indoors, no worries - just train outside, even in the rain. This is not the first little video I've posted of Tim Gray lifting in the rain, but we like this one too. You can spot the puddles in his weight plates beside the bench, and drops coming off the dumbbells near the end... and shirtless, naturally...  Now here, gymnast Egor struggles to 'get' the Diamidov on parallel bars, gets so near that he celebrates with a handstand, and then goes back for one more... Remember that most videos here will go full screen if you click on the little icon bottom right of their screens Next,