600 Up!! And So Much Fitness To Share...

Guys: thanks for being there and sharing the fitness road with us. Whether it's gym workouts, training for specific sports like gymnastics or wrestling, or just fit guys having fun, we aim to share the best fitness inspiration with you. You are also welcome to share your best pictures with us - just send as e-mail attachments to gymacrobat@gmail.com and we'll get them posted. G-rated only please.

We definitely support shirtless training for guys: there is nothing worse than a sticky sweaty tee-shirt clinging to you when exercising... much prefer the air and sun (when available) on our backs!

Fitness (and shirtlessness!!) is for any age and it is never too late to start. Give it a go and comment to us (or use that e-mail address) on how you do!

This 600th post is a mash-up of great fitness and training inspiration and we hope you enjoy. Tell your gym buddies to join us here on the blog. We have thousands of images still to share, and of course there is the huge archive too. We run special posts on wrestling, locker room posing, gymnastics and acrobatics too, so watch out for those.

Enjoy this HUGE post!

And we won't forget the movies (which will go full screen) and moving gifs, too...

A word about kids. Extremely careful and knowledgable supervision is required if you start kids very  young because their muscles do not develop in the same way as teens and older while they are growing. Nevertheless, some young kids are dedicated to being fit for their sports and we will occasionally show images which we believe were correctly monitored by suitably trained coaches or parents and where the exercises are being performed correctly and safely. All such images are freely available on the web. We notice that it is very often the Russians and Chinese who start very young, but not exclusively so.


Junior swim training there, building up the shoulders for crawl.

Bck to the older guys now. Some love to film themselves showing off their results...


A blast from the past. Here's another...


 ...still catering for the mass market. Probably Russian guys, since underwear seems to be regarded as erfectly fine training and swimming gear, even in public! Not in this pool though...

An Indian wrestler. Cue a couple more on that theme...


There are already 48 wrestling collections in the archive posts covering all styles and situations.

There are also 38 gymnastics/acrobatics/balance posts in the archive so far, and many more to come.

A nice way to share the bench press with your best friend!


Some interesting principles of physics and the amazing properties of skin when supported by hard muscles. We do this! The lower guy is lying on broken glass by the way. Actually, anyone can do this once the learn some basic principles and safety issues. Don't just try it at home.

It's always fun to explore fitness things in groups, though...


We'll end this lengthy post with some Russian kids determined to toughen up with icy water in the snow... look at the muscle on the boy in the front row with the blue underwear...

...one bucket each...

...and, yes, they do!

OK - enough for one post! 75 images or videos (I think). Thanks for exploring this far, and hope to see you again.

For anyone who appreciates gay guys together (also G-rated by the way), there is a partner blog which could do with some more support CLICK HERE - just thought that I would mention that.

Bye for now.





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