
Showing posts with the label eat

Today's Menu

Check out the food that these fit lads are offering! Whatever it is - and some of it looks a bit unhealthy! - they're doing fine on it.  

Feeding Time

In a previous post I pointed out 'you are what you eat' and therefore that diet is highly relevant to guys choosing to work on their fitness.  I thought that I would share a new selection of guys preparing and eating their food: the guys all appear fit, which is more than can be said for some of their dietary choices, but they don't look too much the worse for that! Don't approve of young gymnasts pouring mayo on food scoffing in their gym though, but it makes a nice picture. Enjoy this second helping then. "And what," did I hear you ask, "are we having for dinner tonight?" Oh. Actually not what I tell gymnasts they should be eating (lettuce and spring water - and some occasional protein obviously!). Actually, it will be pork cutlets and roast potatoes with vegetables - and yes, it is hot enough here for us to eat shirtless, just in case you were wondering! Thank goodness we are not in that NW US/Canada heat bubble though.

You Are What You Eat

Not all the food shown here is necessarily desirable for the promotion of fitness... but when you've had a tough workout, I guess stoking up on carbs is OK. I do tell my gymnasts that should have lettuce and spring water, but they rarely take any notice! Maybe you will get some recipe ideas from this random selection of shirtless guys in the kitchen, barbie or just snacking!