
Showing posts with the label circus

Making it Fun (2023/228)

Getting fit through tough training is well worth it, especially if you can have a bit of fun now and again. Sometimes things go wrong, but you pick yourself up and give it another go.  This post is something of a mixed bag of fit guys, but hope you like! This young gymnast chooses a location for his strength training where he can show off a bit... Maybe conventional standing back sommies are a bit safer... Or ten flips to one leg? You  can usually have a bit of fun during training with a group of friends - this longer vid has both: Getting redy for a photoshoot? This guy deserves one... Do please note that 'baby oil' is no substitute for sun cream!! We learned that the hard way, and we remember the blisters... Thought we'd seen the last of these...  ...but it's great exercise, and isn't any training in the sun great fun anyway? More group circus training:  ...that definitely looks like fun! And you can have fun even on cruise ships, as handbalancer Lucas Suarez and

Hand Balancing Stuff (2023/225)

Two hands, one hand, planches, sequences... all of course showing fitness and a dedication to training, which is what we are about. Let's start in the rain, and move on to the circus slack wire... That was Christiano Rujana and so is this: Another young gymnast in his bedroom... More hand-walking fun... A spectacular one-arm handstand here, going up... Anyone for chess? Ennough videos for one post! A still of the same game, to start off the ordinary pix: Hmmm. Mostly very good shapes... that last one needs a bit of attention, but he understands balance. One non-shirtless video clips to finish off, as we wait for the bus...  

Acrobatic Interlude (2023/44)

A lot of videos focussed around acrobatic gymnastics and subsequent professional work. Some still images too. We avoid basic solo handstands since we cover those in special posts anyway. The first gym to be featured, in California, we have seen before in several posts. Sorry for poor video quality on the next one, but the boy's talent makes it worth including... Adam Upcott on top for the next one... A small challenge next... ... ... A bit wobbly, but they got there!     Despite the setting, this next is unusual - to put a girl on top in a foursome is not a recognised move in formal acrobatic gymnastics... For another free head balance, we have Christiano Rujano performing on his own:   For this last video, we add a teeter board... Yes, we have let a few individual performers in there, so here's another video of 'tricking' on the beach: And a farewell flip for now!