
Showing posts with the label cold

Need to Chill Out? (2023/354)

Winter's coming. That's when the tough guys thrive... Brrr. But we'll warm you up again tomorrow. Or you can browse the archives and find something summery. Here's a random archive post to get you started - CLICK HERE - a sauna post which will certainly warm you up!  

Cold and Hot (Water) (2023/303)

Everything here from ice through rain to warm showers and pools. Fit guys and water go together in many different ways. Let's begin with those dedicated to cold water immersion either first thing in the morning or after workout. This causes the liver to 'panic' and releases additional dopamine which livens up your body for several hours ahead. Let's start with young Evan, who likes his bath, specially set up in his basement gym, at 42F (5.5C) - exactly why this precise we cannot say! This guy has his outside and uses it every morning:  Cold-water swimming beginning with a high dive... Then of course, we have rain. Training shirtless (obviously) in the rain can be quite fun... Or maybe just flexing: And let's not forget our post-workout ice bath: OIl drums, old baths, wheelie bins... whatever!   Or just go find a frozen lake: Russians ritually do this on January 6th, Epiphany. Young and old... and don't forget your wooly hat! More kids, in Siberia, add the benefi