
Showing posts with the label gymnasts

Influencers (2024/090)

A sort of mixed-bag post... on how good examples motivate others in fitness and sports skills. Let's start with a pair of young acrobatic gymnasts in California who went to a show put on by some professionals (Jack and Tiego) and then explored some of their training videos. This is what they saw: ...then they found this on Tiego's instagram: ...and then they had a go... ...OK, got to work on releasing the arms... and then (wait for it after the repeat of Jack and Tiego): Seriously good work there, wouldn't you say! This could be their next challenge: Maybe the acro boys will give that one a go. Meanwhile, working in pairs means that each challenges the other a bit: Maybe the influencer is dad - especially when he takes part too:   ...and then Odin (in the previous videos), inspires brother Loki: Here, dad is the influencer, challenging his two young sons:   This one is quite challenging for two groups of two:  This influencer is determined to show off his outdoor workout -

Gymnasts in Training (2024/087)

 Gymnasts need strength, flexibility and endurance - just for starters! Then endless practice of drills leading to those clever moves you see on the apparatus. A few 'fails'! All of this is here. Videos are in the centre section of this post.