
Showing posts with the label handstand

One Hand or Two? (2023/319)

 First you learn to balance on both hands. Then, if successful and you develop your muscle and sense of balance in the right way, you can go on one hand alone, for which there is a whole variety of positions. Moving between them calls for a great deal of flexibility as well as strength. This post covers all sorts of situations in which the entire bodyweight is supported on the hands - i.e. includes planching. First of all, let Rohan show the way: But to begin at the beginning... And again: There we go: shape, muscle control and some endurance to stay there. Christiano Rujana adds the flexibility element: ...which can lead to more elaborate shapes... Chinese version (handstand, not the guy!): Specific training of core strength helps a lot: There are a load of other exercises you need to do, but that's too much technical stuff for this post. Once you are able to handstand, you can move around and get stronger still: See this guy's confidence in pushups on the bar: Note that it is

Gymnastics Gives You a Great Feeling! (2023/276)

What else should I say about our favourite sport?