
Showing posts with the label performance

Time on Our Hands (2023/343)

As gymnastics and acrobatic coaches, we are always telling our gymnasts that the more time they spend on their hands, the happier we will be. You need a handstand for every piece of gymnastic apparatus, and for acrobatic gymnastics and performance we raise the bar to one-hand balance as well. In this post we offer a variety of very fit guys performing handstands in different situations: most are pretty cool, one or two are reasonable first efforts but mis-shapen! We leave you to sort those out.  Beau tries hard in his planche... ...maybe aiming for this... Interesting one from Yevgeny... And a shaping exercise for the basic gymnast's handstand: Training for swing to handstand on parallel bars: Ordinary pix to finish off the post - rather random hand balances:

Numerous Guys (2023/338)

 Pretty bland title for this post, I suppose, but what can you say... OK then - let's go! Obviously we've chosen fit guys who have been training, and images with more than two of them... Hmmm - maybe there's not always safety in numbers! Wonder if you make the count the same as us? A fair few wrestlers there!