
Showing posts with the label physical

Definitions of "PE"

'Physical Exercise'... or, sometimes, 'Physical Education'... in schools, sometimes amended to "PT" ('Physical Training')... hated by some  (usually the non-sporty guys who went on to become brain surgeons and solicitors! - their brains well trained instead)... loved by the sporty guys who wanted to have what we define as PHYSICAL EXCELLENCE. No shortage of that here today, from hard-working guys who may also go on to be brain surgeons!! For you, is it body image? Strength? Maxing out the bulk? Endurance for sports? Raising a good sweat? Acrobatic skills? Clever stuff in a street workout? First, what about this guy and his 'ESTADO FISICO'? Some more flexing action... sweaty in the hot sun first... this guy is definitely pleased with his chest and abs... And never mind the rain: That was India... next a long rainy workout in the Phillipines with Bernaldo: And again - even rainier... ("yeah, I'm tough!" - but actually the temperatur