
Showing posts with the label rowing

Putting One's Back into It

You know what that means - really making the effort. But we also like to showcase backs occasionally, as in this post. So often neglected by guys wanting to show off their development. We start with a young man who knows exactly what he wants and whose young back shows the developing muscle he richly deserves... All manner of rowing exercises builds those lats, rhomboids and deltoids... Of course, you may just want to show off for the camera... OK - a selection of back views now, in various stages of development, and mostly posed for the best effect:   Of course, it all depends upon what sporting activity you are training for. A heavyweight juggler like Daniel has 'special needs'!!... The best exercises for developing the back are pull-ups, rowing and push-ups, plus dolphin raises (where you lie on your fron with your feet anchored on something like a pommel horse so you can dip your upper body down and then raise it right up, arching as tightly as you can... and repeat). Good