
"It's You versus You"

That little mantra is often heard in gyms and applies to a number of individual sports where the object is to be better than you were yesterday, or last week, or last month... OK so long as you don't take it to ridiculous lengths and (for example) try to develop massive muscles for no good reason and then find that your body is so muscle-bound it is effectively useless for anything!  This second post today (trying to make up lost ground after yesterday's absence) features gym guys who have been following that general rule -  it's usually the ones who stand in front of locker-room mirrors, but we've done that regular post already today so we'll be elsewhere. I'll allow washrooms - although I usually draw the line at images including urinals or toilets unless the guy is really special! The guys I've selected here are all proud to show us their results though! I know - the urinal... please ignore... not much left if I trimmed it, and he does deserve a viewing!

Locker Room (18)

Sorry - missed posting yesterday. Back to coaching, and a long session. Enjoy some more fit guys strutting their stuff - those lockerroom mirrors as SO useful!