In A Strong Position

Today we're featuring fit guys showing us how well they have trained in order to hold strong positions like levers and planches. Some of the examples also include younger lads who are showing us that they are travelling the same road. First up, an excellent 'back scale' on the rings, admired by a friend: this should be perfectly horizontal and requires considerable work on back and shoulder muscles to achieve. The only thing he should do better is to point his toes (stretch the feet):


Here's one on the bars, seen from below:

 Here's a real trickster: strength and balance too: a 'crocodile' one-hander on the slack wire...

 Here's another croc, showing the strength in the back to give the slender arch we need for perfection:

This guy is halfway to a one-arm croc but has mastered the straight body required on the way to the arch:


If the legs were together in this next one, it would be a 'dragon flag' with a perfectly straight body resting only on the shoulders. Actually, here, he is training to do those pretend walking moves in planches on the street-workout bars:

Here'a better example of the dragon flag but here, too, we need stretch feet and pointed toes:

An alternative support:

...still no pointed feet. Oh well.

Another kind of flag.. the 'human flag'...

And two others, again neglecting the feet (sigh!):

From this next one, the straddle planche, one can move to get the legs together, which moves the point of balance back and needs stronger shoulders... and, again, eventually we get horizontal:

Developing some of these skills with a partner adds to the fun...

...especially when combined with a balance element:

...or several partners - this one's kind of 'vintage'...

...but LOOK - they have actually got their feet right! 

Talking of vintage, the peg wall was an amazing way of building shoulder and arm strength - you have to move the pegs up while in hang...


Two tensed-up more modern teens here: static holds are brilliant training actually, even though it looks kind of easy. After 5 minutes it isn't!

Finally, a youngster working on his planche - seems to be going for a tight arch, though - however, legs are together already and eventually he'll get the arms straight:

Endnote: I tried to copy this to my Facebook page but Facebook says it contains material said by other Facebook users to be abusive. A while back it condemned me for posting a perfectly normal image of a gymnast teenager running up for a vault. Puzzlement. So, if you have nothing better to do, comment back on what is abusive here!

And while we're about it, and if you are fairly new to the blog, take a look back at earlier posts. Followers tell me it is definitely worth the trouble!


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