Announcing 2Guys2Gether

Just to let y'all know that I have set up a second blog covering specifically gay relationships - between fit guys, obvs! Again, as here, no porn. Just a celebration of the very special relationship between two of the same species... in our case, fit ones, obviously. or follow the link in the sidebar! And - guess what: I posted the above pic to the tonycavanagh Facebook page and instantly got myself banned for a further 30 days. Can't win, really, can you? I suppose the FB bots noticed that the back guy has his fingers in his partner's undies - it was pretty well instantaneous, and you don't seem to get any chance to delete the "offending" picture from your post there. And, I haven't forgiven them for banning me over a perfectly innocent picture of a teen gymnast walking up tothe vault run in a packed gym. That made no sense. Oh well!

The first post at the new site offers 20 couples showing their caring and sharing side.

Comments welcome, as ever.


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