More Time on Your Hands

As a coach of gymnastics and acrobatics, I am always saying to the lads that I want them to spend as much time on their hands as they can. Handstands, planches, exercises with a lot of their weight on their hands, whatever. Essential training for those who want to shine in these skills - for men, every piece of gymnasic apparatus requires handstands whilst those who fancy their chances in Cirque (and you'd be surprised how many there are!) need amazing handstand shape and endurance.

In the most recent gymnasts post Gymnasts (13)  we had some videos of some really promising young lads doing all the right things for their handstands. Today it is just still photos, with all manner of hand balancing styles and configurations in all ages. Some very good (inc professionals), some not so good. But all making the effort. A lot of the shots are in the open air, which is kewl. Hope you enjoy!

Btw, that is the famous Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol UK, with young Riley doing his stuff in the middle of the road! You saw him earlier balancing on a ball. Now, at the other end of the bridge...


Here's a good way to go for endurance if you cannot keep in balance for as long as you can support your weight. Don't deride these next two - the exercise against the wall is very worthwhile...

That's professional acrobat Wayne S using his son as extra weight



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