Steadfastly Single-Handed...

...that's a feature on one-arm handstands in various styles today.

Yes, you could do it, but it does take a lot of practice and training for strength, so that you become used to holding - and moving - your body in the controlled manner needed to maintain the balance.

Let's start with young Danilo, hard at practice, and you will see what I mean!


By the way, he's a strong lad, is Danilo, with plenty of fitness equipment in his room... he knows what he wants...

But now, back to the one-handers! Two from Danilo to start with:

Speaking of reflections, here's another...

 Those previous two show 'flag', with professional Adam Upcott:  now 'croc' and then another flag from his older brother Edward:


And finally for this post, the 'naughty' one:

Superb fitness and determination shown in every one of these pictures. Hope you liked.


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