Gymnasts (22) with Videos

Videos 'top and tail' this latest bundle featuring our favourite sport!

We start with a complex vault from Jake J, the Yonekura: Jake is a twisting whizz (and was travelling reserve at the Olympics for the UK)... he is maxing out in twists in a floor tumble...

To Russia now, and a quick trick on the high bar, going through Manna to end in elgrip...

Fourth video todays shows Alexander Z's travels on the pommel horse (here, a floor horse): forwards is Magyar and backwards is Sivado (Sivado is an eminent Hungarian coach now whom I am proud to have met at two competitions in Europe)...

There is one more video at the end - a bit of a 'fun' one... but first: addressing the pommel horse, and then close to the dismount...

Some youngsters these days achieve very hard moves very young...

...and he obviously enjoys being in the fresh air to show it to us! Start young, and enjoy the training...

Friends made in the gym are often friends for life!

Swing to handstand on the parallel bars is a fairly basic move these days: in general, this blog features handbalancing and acrobatics in separate posts, so look back at previous posts!

There's a famous face!

Here's quite a good vault picture we just came across (they're hard to capture, as I mentioned earlier!): this young man is Samuele G from Italy in competition:

This guy appears to have finished his conditioning!... ...

And finally for this latest gymnastics a well-known Scandinavian gymnast goes swimming: I decided not to leave this for a handstand post because I'd kind of liked him (Odin K) to get his legs under control!! But, anything for a laugh...


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