Fitness in All Ages... Some 'Group Therapy'!

When fit guys and wanna-be starters gather together... we get friendly competition, team spirit, encouragement... and fun. So let's join some larger gatherings today... all sorts of sports... starting with a fun foursome of swimmers:

A wrestlingt club:

Swim team:

Some Asian amateur pyramid builders:

A little more of the same:


Street workout dudes (all in a gymnastics club as it happens):

Some more workout guys:


Bodybuilders at street workout:



(start 'em young!)...


 ...Combine with martial arts?

...and weights training for all ages...


River swimmers:

Weight trainers:

Soccer training:

Gymnasts (I think):

Gymnasts working on their splits in the sun:



Slightly naughty (I suppose) models:


Some tough dudes:



Night on the boardwalk:


At the pool:


Nearly at the pool:





Restroom checkout:

Just chillin' in the cabin:

Dorm room:

Woodland clearing:

 Goodness knows... (but looks like fun!)


'Showtime' for young gymnasts!

Locker room muscle show!

Woodland trek muscle show!


River boat swimmers:

And finally - just sporty kids having a riot making a 'dogpile':

What we've noticed in putting this little collection together is how often the groups span all age groups, the older guys mentoring the younger lads (and keeping them safe)... so the younger ones get to really enjoy being sporty, often being out in the open air, and inspired to work on their own fitness.

Guess that the message is - get out there and enjoy your fitness - whatever your age -  and let's support the young kids who are inspired by the older guys and are willing to put in the work.

Be adventurous: get outside and enjoy the wind on your chest and the sun on your back (in moderation!)... in good company. You'll soon be feeling great.


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