"I Wanna Be Tough!"

Don't we all. But 'tough' means different things to different people... look great in comparison to your average guy... look/act agressive (hmmm...)... strong... do clever skills in sports... shirtless in the snow... and so on.

Today's selection offers glimpses of such so-called 'toughening up' results, starting with a gallery of guys I have labelled 'fighting fit':

FIGHTING FIT (starting young!)


SWEAT - maybe just getting sweaty in the gym or in training is 'tough'?

SNOW AND ICE... shirtless at zero degrees, anyone? (that's 32F or below for Americans!)... and enjoy your ice bath after training? Absolutely no hot tubs allowed here though.

That's enough for today, but we could go on... super intense wtreet workouts, bed of nails or glass, kung fu guys having concrete blocks smashed on their stomachs... maybe we'll go there another day.

Meanwhile, if it helps your training to 'want to be tough' - that's fine by us!


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