That Satisfying Ache (2024/256)

After a great workout, you are on a high with the endorphin rush. Later, often for a day after, the muscle groups you targeted give you a dull ache, which should be satisfying: yes, you challenged those muscles and they are busy rebuilding and getting stronger. So enjoy!

If it is not an ache but a pain, here is something wrong wit what you are doing in the gym. First, rest and recover, then seek advice. Always remember that what you are trying to do is to improve your body, not wreck it. To get healthier and fitter. So everything in moderation - you'll find the right rhythm.

As I compile this, I am experiencing the ache in my shoulders and upper lats through doing more pullups etc than I have been doing recently. That's the reward for doing what we love to do!

Get training, and feel the buzz! Your self-confidence will build instantly!

If only!!

And remember - training doesn't just have to be weights and stuff. All sports and cardio activities count! You'll still get the 'buzz' if not the ache!

Sports like running and basketball of course also exercise muscles - not least the heart (which is quite important!). So keep at it. We'll go back in the gym now, with some appropriate video clips...

....starting with cardio - never underestimate the value of the running machine if the weather outside is horrible 

A bit of showing off as well doesn't hurt!

Some cardio now with the young Muay Thai boys:

And weighted sit-ups in the same gym:

Stuck in goal? Then maybe do something useful:

A certain way to exercise the upper body and arms is the climbing wall. Let's join first Toby, then Timur:

Leg strength matters too, of course.

For which you need fingertip strength too!

Love that shoulder rotation idea. Pretty sure I should get 'the ache' doing that because it is not one of my regular exercises. But them variety and change is good.

And finally, after all that encouragement to get going and get fit, aches or not, it's pleasing to show off!



And, yes, being "big and muscly" is absolutely NOT a pre-requisite for getting started in the gym. He'll watch his muscle and strength build up as time goes by, giving him huge satisfaction. And he'll have that satisfying ache. Regularly!



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