Action Men (2025/006)

Work hard in 2025!

A reminder that fitness training is for all ages:

Btw: Seth there is rehabilitating after a severe leg break in gymnastics

Make use of small boys:

And yes, we start young if we can!  That's Timur, a superb  climber from Ukraine (Slava Ukraini!), and now an 8yo  trains with his sister:

So it's not just actual gymns. We've seen guys making use of attics, garages, even the kitchen door!

You can do this - right now. Use your body weight if you don't have equipment. Go for a run, even (we've a bit of that coming up soon). It all provokes health and fitness.

Good luck.

This is post  number 1601 and all the others are still in the archives. Go explore for more inspiration - here's our random choice of the day to start you off CLICK HERE




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