Bonus Post: Totally Flexing (2025/083)
When you've got something to show for all those hours spent in the gym...
Sorry for that one - we found we can turn it to play it but couldn't save the rotated version. So over to you!
WE LOVE TRAINING!! A celebration of the joy of physical training for guys of all ages... whether it be just lifting for fitness, or for the sports we love: gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling, athletics etc .... pretty much any sport where you compete as an individual. We hope to celebrate success and to encourage anyone and everyone to embrace a fitness regime! Posts will be multiple images of guys training or guys who obviously have been! So get sweaty, get those shirts off, and get stuck in!
When you've got something to show for all those hours spent in the gym...
Sorry for that one - we found we can turn it to play it but couldn't save the rotated version. So over to you!
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